4 Things to Put on Your Moving Checklist

Get organized now by making a checklist. Set deadlines for the most critical tasks like hiring movers, renting a storage unit and turning on your new utilities. Aside from packing up room by room, make sure your list has these often forgotten items.

Moving can be hectic. With dozens of to-dos, a tight timeline and a growing pile of boxes, it’s easy to get frazzled and let things fall through the cracks. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Get organized now by making a checklist. Set deadlines for the most critical tasks like hiring movers, renting a storage unit and turning on your new utilities. Aside from packing up room by room, make sure your list has these often forgotten items, too:

Forward Your Mail: The post office makes it very easy to ensure your mail gets routed to the right place, at least for the first year after your move. Just head to a local branch or go online to update your address with the date you’ll be moving, and your mail will automatically forward.

Measure and Decide: Take a measuring tape to your new home and jot down the measurements of each wall and nook. What furniture and decor will fit in your new space? What won’t? It’s better to make decisions about what to donate or sell before moving day.

Refill Prescriptions: It may take a bit to get your prescriptions forwarded to a new pharmacy and even longer for you to find the time to pick them up. If possible, get your prescriptions refilled ahead of time from your current pharmacy.

Back Up Your Electronics: Back up your computer and phone to the cloud, and make sure you’ve uploaded all your photos and documents somewhere safe. In the event something happens to your devices during the move, a backup will get you up and running faster.

When you move your insurance premiums on your autos may change, up or down. This is because various neighborhoods and locations have different plusses and negatives as far as auto insurance is concerned.

Tell Your Insurance Agent

Do I have to tell my car insurance company if I move? Yes. Whether you’re moving across town or across state lines, your car insurance company needs to be notified.

Here is why:

  1. Billing information. Your auto insurance provider needs to be able to send you policy and payment notices. If you miss out on a payment, there is no grace period and your policy can be canceled, leaving you uninsured. You don’t want that.
  1. Your geographic location is a rating factor to car insurance companies. Even a short move can make your rates go up, or down, depending upon if that area has more or less crime, claims and traffic.
  1. Annual mileage. Your insurer needs to know your annual mileage and commuting distance to properly rate you. If the move makes your commute longer, you may see your rates rise. Or, if your move cuts back your annual mileage, you may see a reduction in rates.

Contact your auto insurance provider to alert them to your move and update all pertinent information.


The Agent Insurance Services | (330) 758-3339

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